#1. Happy New Year everyone! Just constructing my 2012 goals. I think some of them are going to be the same as my 2011 ones but obviously they'll be some knew ones in there too. I like the idea of having a "bucket list" of things to do, always keeps you busy.
#2. Hope not too many of you are recovering from hangovers... Actually? If you are it shows you had a great night right? I don't know. I had a pretty great night seeing in the new year with my friends and family!
#3. Of course now it's time to attack the essays that have to be handed in for university. This is where panic sets in half of the time but I'm pretty sure I'll be okay, thank goodness. There is this one essay though that I'm really not looking forward too but if it's gotta be done, it's gotta be done and I'll just have to bite the bullet and hopefully do okay. Fingers crossed.
#4. Finally finished watching the adaptation of "The Great Expectations" on BBC and I have to say it really was brilliant. Douglas Booth was marvellous, and well what can you say about Ray Winstone, he's just... Indescribable as a actor. Both he and Stephen Graham are definitely some of the finest actors that have come out of our country.
#5. Anyway, that's the end of my first ever sunday snap for 2012. It's hard to think of really... This year I'll turn 21 eek! But that's a long way off yet haha... Fingers crossed 2012 is good to myself and everyone!

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