#1. Must say this 2012 hasn't been the best of starts. Got incredibly stressed out this week because of an assignment, which is never good. But I have to say I have been productive in other ways so I guess we're balancing it out right? It's just one of those things that comes with adult life I suppose, which sucks but just got to get on with it.
#2. JERICHO RETURNED TO RAW. YES THIS DID MAKE IT INTO MY SUNDAY SNAP ROUNDUP! Haha.... Honestly I guessed it would be him from the promos but I am so PUMPED! I really loved Jericho mainly because I when I watch people who I watched when I was young it just makes me happy.
#3. I did want to start the way that I meant to go on with the blog when it comes to outfit posts however I just don't think I'm going to be able to actually post more than two a week. At least I'm still posting though, and maybe I'll throw in some random posts in there whenever I can. Like ways to wear etc...
#4. I'm posting my roundup earlier than I usually do. This is because I really want to spend the whole day making sure all my essays are okay with wording, grammar etc... Ready to be handed in for this up coming week. Have to say one of them I am really proud, its definitely one of the best essays I've written whilst I've been at uni and whilst that may sound like conceited sometimes you have to believe in yourself. There is nothing wrong with having confidence.
#5. Thinking of doing a follow five at the end of every snap roundup? Anyone want to suggest me some blogs, or youtube channels? I'll definitely have to scout around for those that have really been catching my eye during the week. Sound good?

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