tights: topshop
shirts: new look
earrings: topshop
rings: topshop, h&m, asos
Another day of essay writing today, which I was actually thankful for in some weird way considering the weather was so crazy! I'm so close to going back to uni and it actually sucks a lot. I mean I'm really loving my course this year but I'm going to miss my friends so much when we all go our separate ways back to uni. Summer really cannot come quick at times like these. Reading that back to myself I know I'm willing 2012 away already and its only just begun, but I'm in one of those ~*funky*~ places.
I'm not really a fan of this outfit, but it was different and a little bit of a break from my usual skirt look. The fact that I've got my hair up in a ponytail is so 90s. I usually don't like wearing my hair up and only do it when I'm too lazy to actually style my hair properly.
With the new year only just starting I've been compiling a 2012 goals list. Its already posted up at the top so check it out if you want to know what things I've got planned for this year. Definitely going into it with a positive attitude, gotta make the most out of what you've got!

Oh I like those shorts! Cute photos. Gooduck with the essay writing.
im sick of uni already, well im sick of the deadlines! but Id rather stay in and hide from the wind I guess :)
Loving the rings!
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