#1. Seriously thinking that technology has something against me this week. Now my iPhone thinks it's okay to pack up on me and keep freezing. It'll be okay for about two hours, which is usually in the morning and then come about 11am it'll just freeze. Granted I've had my phone for over three years and I have dropped it a couple of times - this is expected due to these reasons alone - but the fact that everything is breaking at the same time is frustrating me so much! Looks like I'm gonna have to get a new phone ASAP.
#2. Been working hard on assignments this week. I've been wanting to get ahead of deadline dates and I think I'm doing okay. I'm slightly wary about one of those assignments - I'm not too sure about whether my topic is right, or whether I've gone about something in the correct manner. Lack of confidence can sometimes be such a ballache (yes, I really did type that word!)
#3. Had my macbook looked at and am waiting to hear from the apple store as to whether it can be fixed. If it can it's going to cost up to 350£! So ridiculous but then again I need my laptop don't I? Hello Bank of Dad.
#4. This time next week I'll be at my best friend's sister's wedding! Definitely won't have a Sunday Snap up next week. I may try and put together a wedding blog, that's if I can find my camera and all that jazz. Seem to be losing everything lately, that or it's breaking on me. Really looking forward to wearing my complete outfit and the whole wedding vibe (love weddings!), cannot wait!
#5. I found five blogs that I loved this week that I think everyone should check out! kelly-yes.blogspot.com, the beauty lookbook, the notice, willworkformakeupand viviannadoesmakeup.com(absolutely love vivianna!).

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