wednesday wants #23 - workout clothes.

Recently I have been getting into running. I never thought that those words would ever grace my lips but I have been training and building myself up to 5K and have been thoroughly enjoying it. As I haven't done that many fashion related posts I thought that this would be a great way to get me back into the swing of things regarding 'Wednesday Wants'.

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A classic black outfit that does it's job is definitely a great place to start for any beginner of running (or weight loss) who may conscious of they slightly larger body. The shirt, by Nike, is specifically made for running. The DRI-FIT technology within the shirt helps to wick away perspiration from the body and keep the runner cooler for longer. Add a heart rate monitor and you're good to go!

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A bit of colour can always improve a mood. Outfit two is trying to keep you as cool as possible, maybe more of a choice for summer months, with capri pants and a loose fitted tank again with DRI-Fit technology.Instead of a heart monitor make sure you keep hydrated and carry around water with you - this water bottle is ideal with it's shape and easy to grip handle.

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Finally, and probably the most important part of this post is, footwear. Running shoes are essential when it comes to embarking on this physical activity. The right pair of shoes can help with recovery time and more so regarding injury as they offer enough support to the foot. Make sure you find the right pair for you, research and ask advice when buying your first pair!