#1. I seriously need to figure out why I look so sad in pictures other than for the reason that I don't smile. For those reading this I'll let you all know that I hate my teeth. Like really hate them. I've never liked them. Anyway, what's been happening with me this week. I have to say not a lot. I paid my Ibiza holiday off so now I am officially, if I wasn't before, broke. Nothing to my name because I like to spend so much money on things that I don't really want. Fantastic isn't it?
#2. I've been contemplating getting rid of my iphone lately. It has been playing up, not receiving text messages and just generally being annoying. The whole tracking thing that came out on the news may just be the final straw. I was so pissed off when I heard about that because of the simple fact that it is such an invasion of privacy that it's unbelievable. I mean they definitely don't tell you that part when you're buying that phone from them. GRRRR!
#3. I finally saw Luke Pasqualino in The Borgias this week! Haha I've been watching it for a like a month and I've been seeing his name in the credits but I'm pretty sure he hasn't been in any of the previous episodes. (For those who are only going to watch it for him I'm pretty sure he appears in episode five). It was weird seeing him in another but Skins and his accent kept slipping but he was great. I'm sure all I talk about in this sunday roundup his television. Haha! So whilst I'm talking about TV I may as well mention United about The Busby Babes. All I've gotta say is it was so moving without being cheesy or anything, such a powerful dram movie and definitely worth checking out somewhere.
#4. Newest crush this week has to be Max Irons. I actually found out about him quite a while ago but I recently saw him in The Runaway and his hair is just the cutest haha... Curly and cute! Could I have sounded any more blonde there? The fact that he's english tops it off but of course has a girlfriend, FML. LOL.

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