#1. I really don't have anything to post this week because I haven't been up to much. I feel like such a lazy bum. I went out friday for two of my guy friends birthdays... We went to this 80s/90s bar and danced to some old songs.... Trip down memory lane lol. These two guys thought they were cool enough to have a dance off, one of my friends Sarah just blazed them away when she pushed them our of the way and went straight down into the splits. It was actually rather funny!
#2. I went to a medium show today in my town... Seriously was in two minds to go considering the last time I went the mediums were so right about my life that it actually freaked me out a bit (especially because I'm incredibly skeptical when it comes to them). Ended up going and having a good day out with my friend... Plus a goodie bag hahaha!
#3. This coming week posts are going to be a bit sparse because I'm going to be doing a lot of things outside of blogging to try and get ready for my holiday in July (yeah, I'm still doing that). Apologies in advance now. I'm going to try and do some as many different posts ahead of time to make sure my blog doesn't lack too much (even though I feel like this is cheating) but I want turn over to still be okay. Hope this doesn't annoy any of you readers (followers or not).

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