I thought this idea was really interesting so I tried it out. For my first go I think they went pretty well, next time I'd probably try a lighter colour on my nails so that the actual newspaper print would show up better.
To achieve this look you will need:
A small glass of rubbing alcohol or vodka
10 strips of newspaper (bigger than your nails)
A light coloured nail polish e.g white, clear, light pink, basically anything that is light
Clear/Top coat nail polish
Now do this:
Dip your nails in the alcohol for a while so the whole nail is wet. The get the strip of newspaper and press it onto your nail and hold firmly for 30 seconds. Do NOT move the strip, keep it firm or else smudging will happen (obviously!), paint a clear coat of nail varnish over the nail to protect the print/stop it rubbing away and.... you're done!

That is freaky cool!
I may have to try that out :)
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