#1. Reading week this week for uni so I've been making sure I am up to my eyeballs in work or some sort of academic jargon. I have to say this year I have really been enjoying uni, everything is so much better, relationships with people and the subjects. Sometimes it can get a bit repetitive but that's just life I guess, other than that I'm really loving it! Not that I don't enjoy the "breaks" or anything, I am still human after all.
#2. So what is everyone doing for Halloween tomorrow?! Most likely I will be doing absolutely nothing. I really hate Halloween as a "holiday". It's American, not British so technically I don't really class it as a holiday. I have to say however I do like to carve pumpkins and all that jazz!
#3. I've got a list as long as my arm of things that I want to "review" for the blog. By now I hope everyone understands what I mean by that. Usually it's anything but an outfit post/clothing related. Usually it's something that I have bought be it makeup, fragrance, or accessories related. It's nice to break up the outfit posts every now and again. Plus sometimes the timings of uni and lighting means outfit posts aren't always able to happen.
#4. My spending band (clothing) is well underway now. I've not bought anything new for a whole month and it's killing me now. If I'm honest I know I"m going to slip soon, but it is my birthday and that old chestnut of an excuse is definitely going to rear it's ugly head sometime. Maybe a lot earlier than I think.