black treacle.

cardigan: primark
tights: topshop
top: american apparel
skirt: miss selfridge
rings: h&m, primark

You can't wrong with all black sometimes and this clearly reflects in my wardobe. I was sorting through my clothes at the weekend and these exact words left my Mom's mouth "Don't you own a lot of black stuff?" Talk about stating the obvious Mom, I mean really?! I don't really believe in the whole - black is slimming either, yet I still buy tons of items in the colour, or tone, whatever.

Peeking out are the WAH NAILS that I love doing so much. I've got tons of compliments from my friends, some of them not believing that I've done it myself. When I tell them I have we just get into this debate on how can my right hand be so neat if I'm right handed... Errr, it's called practice?! The polish that I'm using is a really old one by Boots No7 and it belongs to my Mom. She loves bronze colours and they are the only ones she'll wear on her - and of course I stole it because the colour itself fits perfectly into the whole Leopard Print nail art design.

I spent today going through a peer review document for one of my modules. I found it interesting to read but kept having breaks. Reading about 20 pages and having to write notes for an overview can be quite stressful and mind boggling but I made it through eventually! I think I've got an understanding but I don't know whether I'm 100% confident... Sigh. The joys of university I guess, haha!