skirt: miss selfridge
tights: topshop
rings: primark
I'm not one to really get my arms out in the summer so don't ask me why I'm doing so in the winter. I did however wear a coat, so it's all gravey/okay. Ha! Excuse my arms they look dirty and that is the reminants on my Ibiza tan. It is actually horrible. My back, shoulders and tops of my arms are still brown and then I have this weird line just above my boobs that is brown, but my chest is white. It's very awkward when I wear a tank and you can see the line... Tan lines are never a good thing, natural or not. It's so bad that it looks like I haven't been washing... Gross, I know.
Tremendously tired this week and this feeling is becoming the story of my life. Looking forward to snuggling in my pj's and checking my to-do lists. Not very interesting but that's just me I guess.

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