As the end of the year is fast approaching I thought that I would go through my outfit posts and pick my favourites. This year I have posted a lot more outfit posts than I thought I would get around to doing and I have actually enjoyed putting outfits together and seeing what they look like through photography.
This year I have to say I have taken care over the way I look. I decided to change my eating habits at the beginning of the year and I feel like you can see how my body has changed. Body confidence isn't something that I have always had but I slowly think that through the help of this blog I'm getting more and more. I've lost dress sizes, brought items of clothing in colours (or tones) rather than black and thrown inhibitions to the wayside because of this blog and I think that this is only a good thing.
Fashion is a hobby of mine, I find myself interested in it immensely but I wouldn't say that it dictates to me what I should or should not wear. I'm not a slave to trends, even though I have taken delight in seeing them be woven into the high street. High street shopping is definitely one of the best things about the United Kingdom, how they get fashion out to everyone and make it accessible and up to date with quick turnovers and changes. This year my favourite stores have been Miss Selfridge, Topshop and of course Primark. However New Look has pleasantly surprised me with a number of items.
Anyway, I hope that this love of outfit posting only continues and that people enjoy reading the blog and what I have to offer. I have to thank you for giving me an excuse to buy endless amounts of clothes (even though I would do this with or without this blog because I'm a shopaholic... LOL) and here's to a great 2012!

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