pop of colour.

shirt: topshops
skirt: matalan
tights: primark
rings: h&m
nails: models own - purple ash

Put a little more thought into my outfit today, probably because I don't have to rush out of the door for uni. I feel like I haven't worn a skirt in so long (really I have but it just feel like I haven't). This body con skirt is from Matalan (a place I rarely buy from considering my Mum calls its Tatalan, aka bad quality) and was so cheap, something like 4£!

I really like this outfit though, it's girly and comfortable at the same time. Great for relaxing but I won't feel like a mess if I leave the house haha (typical student!). Just making sure I give one of my assignments that last finishing touches before I move onto another one... Seems never ending!

sunday snap #69.

#1. It's almost been two weeks since I started using Rapid Lash and I just wanted to post a little about it (I'm planning on doing a huge review at the end of one month/two months considering that's when others have said they started noticing a difference). I can actually see a difference in my eyelashes which I'm actually surprised about, they are not only a little longer but also darker which is always a plus when you're not wearing any makeup. Definitely check it out if you haven't already done so!

#2. For most of the day I've been working on assignments and I'm just going to put this out there, I hate referencing! I know its necessary and all that but it just really annoys me. Like I write something good but then I realise I haven't referenced any of the ideas or anything so I have to go back and see whether I can find something to agree or match what I've said just so it doesn't look like I've plagiarized or what have you and it annoys me! Haha, vent over! You can tell I haven't really got much of a life at the minute, my writing just reads full of pent up aggression and anger! Sorry!

#3. Went to a local bar this Friday night and have to say its the first time I've experienced something so surreal. I was just in there with a couple of friends and them ~*BAM*~, a bunch of different guys came in and started having a dance off. Me and my friends were laughing so much, we even joined it! It was hilarious! The only downside was that one of the dancers stunk so much of sweat and body odor hahaha!

#4. I was in two minds about posting about what I'm going to talk about but then I thought, so what?! It's nothing bad but probably a little embarrassing (considering I know if kids as young as 9 like them). I tried my hardest to get tickets to see One Direction yesterday and failed majorly! It annoyed the living daylights out of me as well, haha! I kinda wanted to see them and am really bummed them a can't hahaha! Oh well, I guess I could just eBay at a later date, that is if I like them by the time I'm 21 (covers pink cheeks from embarrassment!)

#5. Follow five! getting cheeky, glitter geek, 2beautyetc, joeychong and lets make yu up.

inbetween days.

denim shirt: topshop
tights: topshop
rings: h&m

I'm trying to focus on my assignments lately so I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I really have got to pull my socks up and make sure I get the grades that I want. Anyway, I guess this is why most of my outfits are rather boring and just meh. I'm seeking "fashionable looks" that I can just throw on and still look reasonable I suppose.

You really can't go wrong with a denim shirt when it comes to one of those outfits you can thrown on and go out of the door. Loving this shirt from Topshop that I've had for years (probably about three years now!) and some trusty leggings!

Batiste Dry Shampoo: Big & Bouncy XXL Volume.

buy this product here!

I know many bloggers out there aren't really a fan of the Batiste Dry Shampoo products, I on the other hand don't have a problem with them. I have been a fan of their products for almost two years and always like the effect that the dry shampoos do to my hair. When I saw this product in my local Superdrug I knew that I wanted to give it a try.

My hair really isn't the flattest out there. It's naturally wavy, and is incredibly thick, but sometimes like those of you reading this may know, sometimes it needs a boost! Originally I brought this product just because I needed a new dry shampoo when my other one had ran out.

When I used it the first time I have to say I wasn't impressed. It made my hair feel like I'd sprayed a really cheap hairspray at the roots and tried to back comb the heck out of it. it did make my hair larger with volume so I guess it did what I set out to do but it made my hair feel like it hadn't been brushed for quite sometime. Eventually as the day went on the feeling dispersed and my hair went back to normal.

Unfortunately I'm not really a fan of this product and this is the first time that I've ever really felt let down by Batiste. However because I am a poor student I am going to give it another chance as I don't really want to waste the 200ml. Hopefully I enjoy using the product more a second time around, but based upon first impressions I really don't think I will.

black on black.

tunic: g21
tights: topshop
rings: h&m, topshop

Remember when I said I was going to try and be more inspirational on my blog when it came to clothes. Well, our old friend Mr. Black thinks it's funny to make a re-appearance. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Oh well, it is Monday and hoping that you can all forgive me on the inspirational front. A new week and all that.

I'm really trying to use my days where I'm not a university to the best that I can. So I'm either reading, working my butt off with studying, constantly writing, doing something for the blog, working out etc etc. It's not stop but then again if you want to make the most of your life then I guess that it was what you have to do. Being lazy gets your no where fast!

sunday snap #68.

#1. Not going to lie, I feel like I need a holiday or something. You know when they say that you get blues in January, I feel like mine have come a month late. I am just over this month and want it to get warm-ish already haha! So sick of feeling cold and blah. I want to be able to go out in just a cardigan and yeah.... This sounds so silly but still!

#2. It's my Dad's birthday on Wednesday next week and I really don't have any idea what to get him. He always moans that we shouldn't waste our money on him but I can't not get him anything can I? (That would make me such a terrible daughter!) If anyone has any ideas of what I could get him without breaking the bank then please feel free to comment below because I definitely need the help!

#3. Finally managed to watch The Vow. Really wish I was a lovely looking as Rachel McAdmas. She is so beautiful. The film itself was pretty good. I'm a sucker for romantic stuff (how girly of me!) so I knew I'd like this movie. Even more so because Rachel McAdams is in is (oh and Channing Tatum, he's not too bad on the eyes either if we're all honest).

#4. Sorry I don't really have anything interesting to type this week. My life isn't thrilling enough, sometimes I even wonder why I bother with these round-up posts considering I don't always do a lot in the week so they must be incredibly boring to read. Haha!

#5. This weeks follow five: cosmic-candy , delicate hummingbird , ebruskasmakeupbag , fashion polish , front row beauty.

memory boy.

shirt: topshop
skirt: asos
tights: topshop
rings: topshop, primark

Sorry that I look a little bit like a madwoman in the first picture. I think I was trying not to blink in the photograph. Hahaha, it is actually terrible. I cannot believe that we are over halfway through February already, where is this year going. I have just over two months of my second year at uni left, it is actually scary.

So close to starting my driving lessons, definitely booking them next week as I want to have a lesson in the first week of March. I should be able to drive already by no considering I'm twenty, turning twenty one this year, it is actually embarrassing. I am so ready for a car now that I can't even deal, just want a little bit of Independence I guess.

Don't really know what to write about this outfit. It's my standara black skirt and tights combo with a shirt that I seem to be unable to live without. Hopefully it isn't too boring for you all and you aren't 'x-ing' out of my blog. I'll try and be more inspirational again soon. Promise, maybe.

wednesday wants #20 - metallic.

Metallics were a big trend last year and it appears that they are carrying through into SS12. I have to say, personally, I think this is one of those trends that can be hard to pull off unless you want to look like a sweet wrapper. However, when teamed with the right items it can look amazing.

Styling this trend up was hard for me, hence there only being two looks this week. I don't know whether it was because I couldn't find that many items that didn't look cheap on the high street or whether it's because I just can't imagine myself wearing this trend I'm not too sure. Anyway, I hope the ones I have put together give you enough inspiration to bite the bullet and try this trend for yourself!

jeans , top , shoes , bag , watch , earrings

There is not about about it, Look One is a nod towards the Christian Dior catwalk of 2010. By choosing one statement piece this trend doesn't look too full on. These trousers by Topshop are devine. They are one of those items that can be dressed up easily and dressed down if you're feeling daring in the day time. By keeping the palette neutral, and dressing other items in a matching tone of a cream nude not only is the outfit rounded up but you don't look like a sweet wrapper!

dress , clutch , shoes , earrings , ring 1, ring 2

Look Two unlike Look One however was much harder to achieve. I don't know whether this was because I find silver looks tackier next to gold or not, but it proved an easy task. Again by letting the metallic piece be the statement and working around it gives an on trend look without being too in your face. Black, is always great as an accent colour.

heart of chambers.

dress: h&m
tights: primark
necklace: h&m
rings: h&m, topshop

I don't know what it is when it comes to black but I just cannot seem to step away from buying anything in the colour. It is actually really terrible. However I think I have to make an exception when it comes to this dress, as I really like it. Again, like the other two outfits I posted, it is from H&M. There was something about H&M last year that saw it go through a really great phase with the clothes that they were bringing out. Usually I go in there and cannot find a thing that I love and them sometimes *BAM* I want absolutely everything.

I don't really have much to update about on the life front. I'm pretty boring trying to focus on uni work and reading. Such a book worm lately, but unfortunately not only love sick novels, on media texts. I could really do with a night on the tiles. Anyone?

sunday snap #67.

#1. Nothing interesting happened this week. Unfortunately I'm trying to focus really hard on my uni work and anything outside is having to be pushed to the wayside. Sucks really because I wanted to do a bunch of things this year but they seem like they are gonna have to be put on the back burner until I know that I can actually focus all my time and effort onto them.

#2. Derby day today for the footie and the team I support won! So chuffed haha! I know it sounds silly but I get really passionate about this sort of stuff and its always a nice feeling when you win! So yay!

#3. Really wanting to see a ton of things at the cinema lately. I want to see The Vow and This Means War. Have to say that Tom Hardy is so lush! Seeing him last night on Jonathan Ross was a little awkward though. His eyes just flipped, kinda scary if I say so myself but then again I'm sure he's a lovely guy! Doesn't stop me finding him attractive anyway (shallow hal right here!).

#4. Really terrible news about Whitney Huston. Have to say I always loved her voice, she was definitely one of those artists who always brought a smile to my face whenever I heard some of her songs. Old and new. She was one of the original divas and she will definitely never be replaced, not matter how many people try and copy her, she is the one and only.

#5. Anyway here's my follow five for this week: a vain woman , lipssofacto (love meg!), bloomin beauty blog , lipstick rules, makeup savvy.

L'Oreal Revitalift Double Lifting Eye Cream.

buy here!

I know what you're thinking - you're twenty why do you need to use an eyecream? You're still young. Well, I read somewhere that once you hit twenty you should start using lotions and potions more consistently. So the weekend of my birthday I ended up Superdrug buying this product, and I have to say it is definitely one of my better investments.

The product consists of two things. Firstly, a white anti wrinkle cream and secondly a red, re-tautening gel. The two products together have a different consistently when applied to the skin. I have found the red re-tautening gel is a lot thicker and stronger when massaged into the skin, whilst the cream almost sinkss in to the pores immediately without real need to rub it in.

Since I have started applying this product I have noticed a change in my under eye circles immensely, and I have to say that if you have had a terrible nights sleep if you rub this into your no doubt puffy eyes the morning after you immediately wake up (well I did anyway).

The RRP of this product is £9.96 when bought from Superdrug.

closer to the edge.

cardigan: topshop
blouse: topshop
shorts: new look
tights: primark
rings: h&m, topshop

I found these pictures kicking around in one of my folders on my desktop as I cleaning my computer out. I thought it would be a waste not to post them even though I hate them. I really don't have anything else to say as I really want to get back to the book I'm currently reading. Ciao, for now. ~*cringe*~

easy morning rebel.

tunic: asos
leggings: asos
necklace: urban outfitters
rings: h&m, topshop, personal

I'm trying to recycle clothes and this is one of those items that I absolutely love to wear. I feel like I can pull it on and I don't look like I've barely put that much effort into my outfit even though I've done next to nothing. I know I've worn it on the blog before but I'm trying so hard not to buy a ton of clothes, not only because I'm wanting to lose weight but because it really isn't necessary considering I already have way too many items of clothing as it is.

Peter Pan collars are always going to be my favourite thing. As a trend I think they've really stuck around and sort of adapted as the trend as carried on but started the whole high collared, shirts buttoned all the way to the top, look. Love it!

Today is my brother's birthday, he is 25! So old... Haha I'm kidding! We went out for food Saturday which is always lovely... Yeah, don't know what else to say ahah. #fail.

sunday snap #66.

#1. I spent all of yesterday getting some posts ready. Taking a lot of photographs if makeup items and things that I've wanted to review. As well as putting together some wednesday wants/ways to wear articles to post. My internet has been a mess this week so I haven't been able to update properly except for Monday and the two other posts that I scheduled before hand. It's really bad because I have some many people I need to email back about other things and I haven't been able to do it. I'm just a bit stressed at the minute.

#2. I watched War Horse this week and oh my goodness that film was so moving. I don't know how it really could be but the way in which it was shot was just incredible. I've really been enjoying my free time that I've set aside for myself outside of studying. It's nice to know that if I finish my tasks that I've set myself for the day I have something to look forward too, keeps me going!

#3. Studying and reading have been two of my main focal points this week. I have to say I've been enjoying reading around my module choices. I think I'm really getting into this whole being a student thing again. If you use your time wisely it's so much easier to achieve, like reading on the train journey to uni and back is like 30 minutes worth of reading. Sometimes it goes out of the window after I've had a break but I've found it easier to pick back up this time around compared to last year. Also if I come off the computer an hour earlier and read before I go to bed, not only do I find I sleep better but I'm also doing extra reading. Can't be a bad thing really!

#4. I've really been obsessed with Kelly Clarkson's new album Stronger this week. I really love her music and I have to say that Dark Side is definitely my jam off the album!

#5. This week's follow five is: little bird fashion , 25flondon , cherry pie blog , miss lucy loves , pampered and polished.

a dustland fairytale.

dress: h&m
belt: asos
necklace: h&m
rings: asos, h&m

I really wasn't sure about posting these photographs. They really aren't the most attractive looking pictures I've ever seen, but what can ya do? The dress is from H&M and it's one of those pieces I picked up last year but didn't get around to wearing. I really need to have a clean out of things sometime soon because I have way too much stuff, it's actually disgusting.

This is actually a scheduled post because I'm trying to focus on getting away from the Internet at the moment and turn my attentions to books etc... Sorry if that annoys anyone!

collection 2000 cream puff: cotton candy 1

buy collection 2000 cream puff lip cream here!

This product has actually been out for a while now but I haven't gotten around to photographing and editing any of products to review. However before it got stupidly too late to actually write my thoughts on this product, I decided to finally get back to the task at hand.

I'm not usually one who wears anything interesting on my lips. Usually I opt for Rimmel's Take A Chance lip gloss, or wack on some Vaseline ad I'm good to go. However recently I've decided to be more daring and branch out. When I came across this in my collection I just knew that I had to give it a try, properly this time.

From my first application I knew that I was going to really enjoy using this product. Having lips that are already naturally pinky, sometimes a deep pink, I was quite concerned on whether the colour pay off would be any good. I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. The colour isn't too in your face and offers a really thick coverage on my pigmented lips. The consistently is considerably thick, holding a lovely scent that tastes and smells of vanilla.

The application by the doe foot wand is actually rather easy, and often you can get away with one swift swipe of the applicator over your lips. For the price of £2.99 the product is extremely cheap for the quality achieved. I would definitely recommend this product!

(To see me wearing this product click here