#1. I spent all of yesterday getting some posts ready. Taking a lot of photographs if makeup items and things that I've wanted to review. As well as putting together some wednesday wants/ways to wear articles to post. My internet has been a mess this week so I haven't been able to update properly except for Monday and the two other posts that I scheduled before hand. It's really bad because I have some many people I need to email back about other things and I haven't been able to do it. I'm just a bit stressed at the minute.
#2. I watched War Horse this week and oh my goodness that film was so moving. I don't know how it really could be but the way in which it was shot was just incredible. I've really been enjoying my free time that I've set aside for myself outside of studying. It's nice to know that if I finish my tasks that I've set myself for the day I have something to look forward too, keeps me going!
#3. Studying and reading have been two of my main focal points this week. I have to say I've been enjoying reading around my module choices. I think I'm really getting into this whole being a student thing again. If you use your time wisely it's so much easier to achieve, like reading on the train journey to uni and back is like 30 minutes worth of reading. Sometimes it goes out of the window after I've had a break but I've found it easier to pick back up this time around compared to last year. Also if I come off the computer an hour earlier and read before I go to bed, not only do I find I sleep better but I'm also doing extra reading. Can't be a bad thing really!
#4. I've really been obsessed with Kelly Clarkson's new album Stronger this week. I really love her music and I have to say that Dark Side is definitely my jam off the album!
#5. This week's follow five is: little bird fashion , 25flondon , cherry pie blog , miss lucy loves , pampered and polished.

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