#1. It's almost been two weeks since I started using Rapid Lash and I just wanted to post a little about it (I'm planning on doing a huge review at the end of one month/two months considering that's when others have said they started noticing a difference). I can actually see a difference in my eyelashes which I'm actually surprised about, they are not only a little longer but also darker which is always a plus when you're not wearing any makeup. Definitely check it out if you haven't already done so!
#2. For most of the day I've been working on assignments and I'm just going to put this out there, I hate referencing! I know its necessary and all that but it just really annoys me. Like I write something good but then I realise I haven't referenced any of the ideas or anything so I have to go back and see whether I can find something to agree or match what I've said just so it doesn't look like I've plagiarized or what have you and it annoys me! Haha, vent over! You can tell I haven't really got much of a life at the minute, my writing just reads full of pent up aggression and anger! Sorry!
#3. Went to a local bar this Friday night and have to say its the first time I've experienced something so surreal. I was just in there with a couple of friends and them ~*BAM*~, a bunch of different guys came in and started having a dance off. Me and my friends were laughing so much, we even joined it! It was hilarious! The only downside was that one of the dancers stunk so much of sweat and body odor hahaha!
#4. I was in two minds about posting about what I'm going to talk about but then I thought, so what?! It's nothing bad but probably a little embarrassing (considering I know if kids as young as 9 like them). I tried my hardest to get tickets to see One Direction yesterday and failed majorly! It annoyed the living daylights out of me as well, haha! I kinda wanted to see them and am really bummed them a can't hahaha! Oh well, I guess I could just eBay at a later date, that is if I like them by the time I'm 21 (covers pink cheeks from embarrassment!)
#5. Follow five! getting cheeky, glitter geek, 2beautyetc, joeychong and lets make yu up.

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