I know what you're thinking - you're twenty why do you need to use an eyecream? You're still young. Well, I read somewhere that once you hit twenty you should start using lotions and potions more consistently. So the weekend of my birthday I ended up Superdrug buying this product, and I have to say it is definitely one of my better investments.
The product consists of two things. Firstly, a white anti wrinkle cream and secondly a red, re-tautening gel. The two products together have a different consistently when applied to the skin. I have found the red re-tautening gel is a lot thicker and stronger when massaged into the skin, whilst the cream almost sinkss in to the pores immediately without real need to rub it in.
Since I have started applying this product I have noticed a change in my under eye circles immensely, and I have to say that if you have had a terrible nights sleep if you rub this into your no doubt puffy eyes the morning after you immediately wake up (well I did anyway).
The RRP of this product is £9.96 when bought from Superdrug.

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