I know many bloggers out there aren't really a fan of the Batiste Dry Shampoo products, I on the other hand don't have a problem with them. I have been a fan of their products for almost two years and always like the effect that the dry shampoos do to my hair. When I saw this product in my local Superdrug I knew that I wanted to give it a try.
My hair really isn't the flattest out there. It's naturally wavy, and is incredibly thick, but sometimes like those of you reading this may know, sometimes it needs a boost! Originally I brought this product just because I needed a new dry shampoo when my other one had ran out.
When I used it the first time I have to say I wasn't impressed. It made my hair feel like I'd sprayed a really cheap hairspray at the roots and tried to back comb the heck out of it. it did make my hair larger with volume so I guess it did what I set out to do but it made my hair feel like it hadn't been brushed for quite sometime. Eventually as the day went on the feeling dispersed and my hair went back to normal.
Unfortunately I'm not really a fan of this product and this is the first time that I've ever really felt let down by Batiste. However because I am a poor student I am going to give it another chance as I don't really want to waste the 200ml. Hopefully I enjoy using the product more a second time around, but based upon first impressions I really don't think I will.

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