#1. Nothing interesting happened this week. Unfortunately I'm trying to focus really hard on my uni work and anything outside is having to be pushed to the wayside. Sucks really because I wanted to do a bunch of things this year but they seem like they are gonna have to be put on the back burner until I know that I can actually focus all my time and effort onto them.
#2. Derby day today for the footie and the team I support won! So chuffed haha! I know it sounds silly but I get really passionate about this sort of stuff and its always a nice feeling when you win! So yay!
#3. Really wanting to see a ton of things at the cinema lately. I want to see The Vow and This Means War. Have to say that Tom Hardy is so lush! Seeing him last night on Jonathan Ross was a little awkward though. His eyes just flipped, kinda scary if I say so myself but then again I'm sure he's a lovely guy! Doesn't stop me finding him attractive anyway (shallow hal right here!).
#4. Really terrible news about Whitney Huston. Have to say I always loved her voice, she was definitely one of those artists who always brought a smile to my face whenever I heard some of her songs. Old and new. She was one of the original divas and she will definitely never be replaced, not matter how many people try and copy her, she is the one and only.
#5. Anyway here's my follow five for this week: a vain woman , lipssofacto (love meg!), bloomin beauty blog , lipstick rules, makeup savvy.

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