leggings: asos
necklace: urban outfitters
rings: h&m, topshop, personal
I'm trying to recycle clothes and this is one of those items that I absolutely love to wear. I feel like I can pull it on and I don't look like I've barely put that much effort into my outfit even though I've done next to nothing. I know I've worn it on the blog before but I'm trying so hard not to buy a ton of clothes, not only because I'm wanting to lose weight but because it really isn't necessary considering I already have way too many items of clothing as it is.
Peter Pan collars are always going to be my favourite thing. As a trend I think they've really stuck around and sort of adapted as the trend as carried on but started the whole high collared, shirts buttoned all the way to the top, look. Love it!
Today is my brother's birthday, he is 25! So old... Haha I'm kidding! We went out for food Saturday which is always lovely... Yeah, don't know what else to say ahah. #fail.

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