shorts: new look
tights: topshop
jacket: primark
rings (l-r): asos, h&m, forever 21
nails: models own - concrete mixer
I actually wore this outfit on one Saturday and didn't post it - I know, I know this is cheating BUT I actually love this t-shirt so much that I couldn't not post the outfit. Topshop clothes are actually going to make me broke but isn't that always the way. I have so many items on my ~*wish list*~ that I need to somehow make money appear out of nowhere, or spend my student loan (ssh don't tell anyone!).
I've been getting in my nail art lately, first the WAH Leopard Print and now galaxy nails. They are so easy to do and when I'm bored, or feel like I need something to occupy my time until any real uni assignment/reading material enters my life I like to make my nails look pretty. I'll try and post some pictures when I get better at doing the actual process, it's definitely worth taking your time when doing it, and remember that practice makes perfect.

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