#1. Today has been a lazy one... I haven't gotten out of my pyjamas and have enjoyed crappy television. I went out last night and had a great time (no hangover) but the next day I can do next to nothing because I'm always so tired. Looking forward to an early night tonight.
#2. I watched Friends With Benefits this week and I have to say Justin Timberlake is amazing. Both him and Mila Kunis can act their socks off and I love a film that has a happy ending, but then again don't we all. It was actually pretty funny, you can't beat a romantic comedy can you? Definitely improved my mood this week which has been on a downer of late....
#3. I finally got around to changing the layout and I have to say I really love this one. It's not quite there yet, I've still got the niggly things to do like add the date and change some of the links, maybe add a border, but all in all it's so much better than what the blog had previously. One thing I like about this one is you can change the colour scheme with ease and keep the overall layout - so much easier and neater!
#4. This week I got the option to enroll into uni... I can't believe that I'm about to embark on my second year already. It really seems to fly by. In all honesty I'm kinda looking forward to see what Uni has in store for me this year but whether that continues depends on whether I enjoy the modules etc... Ask me in about 3 months time whether I still feel like that haha!

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