top: g21
trousers: primark
Felt like I was in such a rush today and I don't know why. Of course this worked its way into my clothes but it could be so much worse - I'm talking some sort of chavvy tracksuit - not that I own one but if I did it could have been that! Again the god awful Primark trousers are in my bad books, I don't like them and I don't know why. Its such a shame because the camel/mustard colouring is perfect for Autumn but they could be so much better. I guess that's what you get with Primark.
The floral t-shirt is old, old, old. So old that it still had its tag on it and was found whilst clearing out my wardrobe. I'm acutally terrible when it comes to clothes and not wearing everything I buy. I'm seriously considering selling a lot of my stuff because most of it has never been worn and it's such a waste because someone else could actually get some use out of it. This top I think is just right for the trousers which sort of have a high waisted look about them so the cropped feel balances the look out perfectly.

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