#1. I was back a university this week it was weird having to get up incredibly early to fit in working out and making sure I had enough time to get ready and presentable. I'm in four days a week with quite a good timetable, especially for times etc... Hopefully I enjoy everything I've enrolled for as much as I think I will do!
#2. Can I just stress how much I'm loving Charlie Simpson's album - Young Pilgrim. It's such a chilled out album that I can't stop listening to. Definitely buy it if you like listening to acoustic music... I promise you won't be disappointed. My favourites are Riverbanks, Thorns, Suburbs, Sundown, If I Lose It and I Need A Friend Tonight.
#3. I would be lost without Carmex. It's my new "love" and thing that I can't be without. Usually I'm a Vaseline girl, and you never see me without a tub of the stuff, but recently I've decided to splurge a little more. This is only because my lips have been chapping like a bitch. It's horrible, they were so bad that it looked like I'd had lip fillers that had gone wrong. Hopefully it clears up and they are fine again soon because its definitely knocking my confidence.
#4. I completed another one of my 2011 goals this weekend. It was to watch 20 moves by the end of the year. Of course it's not one of my most important goals but it's definitely made me plough on keep going knowing that I can up my game when I set myself "challenges" for next year.

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