t-shirt: american apparel
leggings: asos
Cardigans are my best friend, especially if they're oversized and something that you can chill around in. I always feel like I'm a walking advert for asos on this blog. Seriously... I am one! I just love the clothes that they have one there. Such a diversity that I can't help but part with ridiculous amounts of money when I'm on there. So, so bad for a student. Again my outfit's a bit plain, maybe I just need to come to terms with the fact that I'm turning into a plain jane as of late. I love the khaki leggings that I'm wearing, they don't look very khaki on the pictures but they are. They have a stitching down the middle of them and when I wear them I like to think I'm going horse riding, haha.
Anyway it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm super excited! My Mom booked the day off work so we're going into town, for a bit of retail therapy and to become 'ladies who lunch' for the day. I'm taking my Mom to Forever 21 and we're going to pounce upon the store. I'll take some pictures and blog about the "event" if you so will... Yay!
Sorry in advance for any lack of posting that may happen over the weekend, I'm gonna be celebrating turning 19... My last year as a teen, somewhat scary!

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