t-shirt: topshop
jeggings: g21
rings: primark
Hey everyone! Day off from Uni today.... Going to spend it on the computer/in the library. I've gotta do a chapter summary, and turn a 13 page chapter into 500 words. Yeah, this is going to be hard.
My outfit today doesn't consist of anything new, but the Primark cardigan I've got on, I have in two colours. It's so warm and comfy that I couldn't resist buying another one. I love throwing cardigans over the top of any outfit, and thought I didn't have anything for it to go with until I was routing around my wardrobe and found my Topshop nautical t-shirt. Having a rummage around your wardrobe and finding old items of clothing that you've rarely worn can be a great feeling. The rings that I'm wearing, again from Primark, are so huge. They literally cover the two fingers next to the finger than I'm wearing the ring upon. Sometimes it's nice to throw on big costume jewellery to jazz up an outfit!
P.S 10 days until my birthday!

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