skirt: h&m
tights: asda
cardigan: primark
Howdy! It's been a while since I last posted.... Silly me! In all honesty I just haven't been able to take any pictures because I've been super busy, especially with birthday celebrations. I spent the weekend bowling and clubbing, I had so much fun and it was great to see friends who have moved onto different places for Uni. Anyway, yesterday I went to see a medium with my mom, aunties and cousin. I have to say at first I was skeptical, I don't tend to believe them but this one lady in particular was so right about myself that it was particularly freaky. i have to say I think I may have changed my mind.
Today's outfit was something I threw on. Everything I have I bought such a long time ago now but I haven't actually worn the cardigan more than once. Sometimes I like embracing the geeky winter jumper look, and I have to say I love this look on guys, but sometimes I'm weary about it. So thats it! Fingers crossed I get back into posting more this week, I'm currently working on my forever 21 post and hopefully it's up sometime this week!

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