#1. Same old same old again. Nothing great happened this week. Boring uni, boring, boring, boring. Okay maybe I'm lying because I did go and see a medium on Monday which was incredibly freaky but I don't know whether you guys want to be bored with the same stuff that I previously posted. I just have to say that I was almost bought to tears because it was something that was so true to me, and I got slightly embarrassed that she was saying it in front of others but I bit the bullet and have decided that I really have to do something about the issue that was bought to light.
#2. I feel like I'm ready to embrace Christmas because up until now I want to kill anyone that is on the train when I have depart for Uni each day, only because I can never find a seat! The town is always packed out, and I have to duck and dive my way through hoards of people but I think I'm just going to take a deep breath and embrace it. I have to otherwise I'm going to end up making my head explode.
#3. I went and saw Jackass 3D in the week, Wednesday to be particular (I had to use my Orange Wednesday up - I am after all a very poor student ha!) anyway I have to say the movie itself was absolutely hilarious! I was almost crying with laughter! I know it's really crude but having an older brother I was almost forced to grow up with programmes like Jackass and Dirty Sanchez. Never the less I absolutely love them, they are soooo funny, and soooo rude that you can't help but laugh even if you are disgusted at the same time. I would recommend anyone go and see it, however it was slightly weird to see all the people involved look old, and have wrinkles whilst laughing - oops sorry "laughter lines" - but definitely go if you've always been a fan!
#4. There's no The Only Way Is Essex tonight, which is just terrible. Last week was the last one and I was so mortified about how Kirk was beaten to a pulp (slightly) by Mark that I was almost crying. I said at the end, "I've grown to close to those characters!" like it was someone sort of drama or something - not a reality show. Clearly that just shows that my brain, subconsciously, or maybe not so subconsciously knows how set up the show is and was.
#5. I attended the german market this week which is always held in the winter time around Birmingham, UK. I have to say that I love it! It gets me prepared and ready for Christmas even if it is freezing. I had so much fun with my friends and enjoyed one or maybe two donuts too... cheeky ha!
#6. I have to say that I've been neglecting my youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/wowitslizz a lot lately and I'm not sorry about that! Youtube just seems to becoming less and less my priority at the moment and I'm absolutely loving blogging about everything so my youtube is going to be pushed aside of the time being.

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