#1. I've been feeling really ill of late and it's driving me crazy because I can't explain it. I'm always light headed and have a head ache but I haven't got any signs of a cold at all. So I've spent the entire weekend sitting in every night which hasn't been a chore because I've been watching I'm A Celebrity Get Me Outta Here every night - clearly I have great choice in TV - and it's easily great tv if you're ill. However I was proper gutted to find out that Nigel Havers had left on Monday, so so gutted, he was definitely one of my favourites even if that was only for the simple fact that in each episode he looked like he was going to blow. Haha! I'm sooo cruel!
#2. Got my first essay back this week. I got a grade C which completely knocked me. I wanted to get so much better! Here's the thing I have this weird way of looking at grades where I get really disappointed with myself. However I can see where I went wrong with the essay itself and see why I got the grade I got. I know next time that I have to try harder and at least I didn't fail considering it was my first uni assignment ever! Really when I look at it that way I should be proud of myself... I don't know maybe I just need to push it aside and get on with it, find my errors and fix them.
#3. Went to see Harry Potter Friday with my best friend. OMG how cute/hot is Rupert Grint in it? I've never found either him or Dan attractive but ever so recently Rupert has really come into his own. Anyway I loved the film, I haven't read the books (even though I own every single book) which is really bad of me because I love reading so I didn't know anything about what happened apart from the fact Dobby died considering it was a trending topic on twitter and the amount of facebook groups about it is ridic. It will be sad when the films are finished though, it's been such a big part to British film, and in a lot of people's lives - essentially I've grown up with it! :)
#4. Excuse me whilst I freak out about Thursday's episodes of Misfits, it was soooo good. Actually really like how they bought focus onto Iwan's character of Simon... As much as I adore Robert Sheehan's character of Nathan and his genius lines it's nice to see someone come out of the background. I have to say the episode itself was kinda graphic, I was in that awkward cringe/do I laugh stage because my Mom was in the same room when it was happening. I was biting my lips trying to keep the laugh from leaving my lips because it's childish but OMG! Haha! Anyway....
#5. I put a new youtube video up Thursday even though I said last week that the blog was my main focus. Tuesday I just decided I wanted to make a video, so I did. Here it is for those of you who didn't see it:

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