#1. Hello everyone... How's your Sunday's going? Mine is absolutely, and completely boring me. To death. When are Sunday's never not boring though right? Been blasting The Scripts new album all morning, absolutely love Dead Man Walking, I think it's my favourite on the album. Most likely that will change. When I write my next Sunday update I'll be 19! I cannot believe it... In all honesty right now you'll definitely be getting a pre-taken picture that Sunday due to the fact I will most likely look like complete and utter shite. You know, the whole morning after the night before, springs to mind.
#2. Currently in two minds whether to cut my V Festival 2010 band off my wrist. It's driving me absolutely crazy, but I can't bring myself to do it. It's the memories of that summer. Great memories, that have somewhat fallen apart since the start of uni. Oh well, life has to move on. Anyway, back onto to band, it's making me feel really dirty for some reason. I mean, I have washed since getting back from V, I promise you all. It was actually the first thing I did, as well as sleep, because I felt so icky. (Haha, I laughed when I wrote that word out, I haven't used it since I was a child.) What to do?
#3. I went to see The Social Network this week, of course my first reason behind this was to see Justin Timberlake. I won't be the first, and definitely not the last teen who admits that Facebook takes up a lot of their life. I'll hold my hand up and say that I check it every day.... Anywayyyy. It was actually a whole lot better than I thought it would be, with the sequences to past and present. (Sorry the Media Student me just came out, haha!) Definitely go check it out if you're a teen who can't live without it lol! On line that really stuck out to me was "it's freakishly addictive" and it's sooooo true... freakishly true.
#4. Can't wait for Xfactor and The Only Way Is Essex tonight! I love having a good old sit down with my Mom, a nice cuppa, and a good bit of TV. I know what you're all thinking, The Only Way Is Essex and Good TV don't exactly fit into same sentence but I love the show because it makes me laugh. It's so set up, and so crap that I can't bring myself to walk away. I know, I'm wasting 30 minutes of my life every Wednesday and Sunday but its hilarious.

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