#1. Enjoyed a family lunch today to celebrate what would have been my Nan's 90th birthday. It's nice that we can still do things like celebrate her memory. She was such a lovely lady and I wish I could have got to know her better.
#2. Sorry for the lack of posts this weeks, sometimes I feel like I just don't have the energy to blog/make videos outside of my uni work. However this sometimes is the only thing that keeps me sane considering I'm so weighed down with uni work because I've go it into my head that I need to not let it all pile up (which is the right way to think about it) so I'm making sure I focus on that (Sorry if it annoys anyone).
#3. I'm enjoying and nice cup of tea and looking forward to TOWIE tonight. Is that sad? It is isn't it.... Ha! I don't know but I could just do with a laugh and that programme gives it to me every single time.
#4. Just want to thank everyone for the views on the blog, readers are fantastic and the whole number of followers I have doesn't bother me. I like to write about fashion, my outfits etc.. because it is something I enjoy, I'm passionate about and would love to have a career in later on in my life. This blog is my portfolio, my diary, and that fact that people like to read/follower it makes me smile!
#5. I'm so annoyed that I didn't get to see Warrior in the cinema. My local cinema had the most stupidest time ever at 9:40pm to see it and I am gutted. I wasn't going to go and watch a film that is more than two hours that late so now I've got to wait until the film comes to DVD because I really WANT/NEED to see it! I adore Tom Hardy and the story is meant to be so interesting around the whole idea of action... I just want to see it!! WHY DID THE TIME HAVE TO BE SO FRIGGING AWKWARD!!!!??!!!!?
#6. This time next week I will be twenty. TWENTY. I don't really want to think about it.... Eeek!

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