skirt: asos
tights: topshop
necklace: asos
rings: asos, primark
Hm, I don't know what to say about this outfit. Plain Jane or what? Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing or anything. Considering I don't really have to leave the house it's an achievement that I'm actually dressed anyway so maybe I should admire it anyway.
Worked out this morning and cycled for three hours. Burned 700 calories! I have to say the rush you get when working out is actually so great. I know that sounds stupid but it's true. I've noticed a difference in my body and it's nice. Of course I'm still not happy, but sometimes I don't think I ever am going to be. I'm sometimes feel like I'm always gonna want to be thinner... Oh well haha! before we get on a downer and all meh let's just kill it.
I'm gonna go and see how much more of my to do list there is to do and then chill out. Catch up on some of the shows I've got on my Sky planner, heck I may even watch a Christmas movie. Toss up between Elf or Home Alone? Both classics. Hmmm...

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