leggings: topshop
faux fur: dorothy perkins
earrings: urban outfitters
I wasn't going to post an outfit today but considering I decided against going to university I had time to put a post together. Taking photos is such a challenge when it comes to winter months. Lighting is non existent but surprisingly these turned out okay. Plus I liked my outfit today so thought it would be a waste otherwise.
My dress is a recent purchase from miss guided. I have to say this is my first time I've actually bought anything from there website after months and months of lusting after things on there. I had to snap this up though considering it is a dead ringer (apart from the neckline) of the Topshop velvet dress. It was such a steal at 20£ that is a was no brainer.
However, I have to say its so short! Like ridiculously! I wouldn't advise anyone who isn't petite to buy from there website unless you are going to wear their dresses with leggings. There is no way I could wear black tights with this (even really thick ones!) because the dress doesn't even fall below my bum cheeks! (That sounds so funny reading it back to myself) I am no shorter than 5'7 as well, so I don't really class myself as particularly tall. It's a shame really but I guess I'll just have to live with it.
I've been loving this faux fur stole so much lately, but I feel like such an idiot wearing it out for some reason. I can't bring myself to wear it to uni because I'm one of those people who cares too much about what others think of her. It's one of those items that sort of has a "who-does-she-think-she-is" qualities about it. So it's most likely just going to be bought out for "decorational" purposes on photos unless I gain some confidence, fast.

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